For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
It takes a lot of hands to keep a church building maintained, care for those who need help, fulfill the needs of weekly worship, and take care of all the details to make events happen. As much as our staff and Board would love to take care of it all ourselves, the truth is we need help! There's a place for everyone to serve our God and His people like Jesus did, and we can help you find yours! Whether it's watching nursery, checking in parents and children, or assisting in weekly worship, there are plenty of ways for you to serve using the talents and skills God has given you! Just fill out the following forms and we'll put you in the best position for you!

Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
The Body of Christ cannot function without every part, no matter how inglorious it may seem, being filled by those who are called to volunteer their time and skills. There are plenty of ways to serve, so don't be afraid to ask us where you can serve most effectively!
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Talk to an elder, Board member, or staff member. They know where the needs are and can help you find the right place.
Fill out the form below with any questions and a staff member will respond as soon as possible.
Fill out the form below with any questions and a staff member will respond as soon as possible.
How do I volunteer with music?
There is always a need for musicians and media people. Even if you're not sure you have the right skill level, there is training available!
Please click the below buttons to get a good picture of the vision and expectations of joining the worship team.
Please click the below buttons to get a good picture of the vision and expectations of joining the worship team.
How do I volunteer with kids and youth?
We are always needing people willing to serve our kids and youth, so talk to Youth Minister Scott Goodson and he can place you exactly where you're most needed.